Sunday, December 26, 2010

Day 32: Cows

These socks are SO adorable and are part of the collection of socks from Melissa. I figure that over Christmas this year I have gained about 40 pairs of socks. This is awesome news since I'll be doing this for 365 days and I'm only at day 32 so far! I have a LONG way to go. Keep those socks a'comin! My Nana wrote on my Christmas present (which was 12 pairs of socks) "For Lydia's Ugly Feet". They were all really cute pairs of socks! I am so excited to wear all of these new socks and see which ones I love and which ones I'm not so sure of.

My Christmas this year was fantastic! I hope everyone else's was just as good. I got to open my stocking, some presents, enjoy delicious food with my family, enjoy game time with my family, and enjoy altogether too much wine, which was delightful as well in its own right.

This has been such a good vacation and I am hoping that this last week of it will not go by quickly, but slowly, so as to savour every moment of it with the people that I love out here in BC.

I am so thankful for the Christmas that I've had this year and I sincerely hope that each of you has enjoyed your Christmas immensely. And if you haven't -- you can always call me up and we'll chat about it. I love that too.

Night, folks.

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