Monday, July 11, 2011

Day 193: Mr. Freeze Ice Pops

Since my last post is fairly depressing despite the happy-go-lucky socks at the top of it, I thought I would post something more uplifting.

I'm posting of triumphs in school as I am proud of them. I do this not to brag so everyone can applaud me, but I do this because I am excited and am an over-sharer at the best of times, especially when excited.

Over-sharing commence:

- I found out today via email that I was selected to receive the Human Resources Institute of Alberta's $1000 Scholarship for the fall semester. The winner of this award is chosen based on academic achievement and a letter you write explaining why you want to work in the Human Resources field. I am so glad I won this award! That is $1000 extra dollars that I don't have to worry about paying -- amazing!

- When I got home today, I had a letter from my University saying that last semester I was put on the Dean's Honour Roll List. How fun is that! I got a fancy little letter telling me that I'm smart, which was really nice to hear. Especially coming from a University.

End over-sharing.

I had a really good Monday, despite my horrible dream last night, which you can read about in the post below this one.


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