Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 79: Hello Kitty

These babies are like ski socks. SO WARM.

Sunday I spent the morning studying with Rebecca at Starbucks. I didn't get a whole lot done because we obviously needed to debrief about all the goings-on at the wedding the day before. Eventually I wrote down a bunch of the quotes I'd be using for my literature review that is due on Wednesday.

After Starbucks studying I went to see the movie 'No Strings Attached' with Krista. I can't say this movie was my favourite. There are definitely some funny parts and funny lines in it, but for the most part it's a really predictable chick flick. I am all for chick flicks normally, but I found these characters confusing for me. I couldn't really relate to the girl and I don't think they gave the man's character all that much depth. Krista at one point said: "oh man, this girl is like me." I responded with, "yeah, she is mean!" Krista: "no, I said she's ME! But now I know how you really feel." Haha....oops.

PS Krista, you are not mean. :)

After the movie I came to Krista's and got a bunch of studying for my midterm and some more of my paper done. Then Krista made delicious lasagna and caesar salad for Ryan and I and we all watched some comedians and then the Grammy's. It was pretty sweet!!


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