Thursday, December 30, 2010

Day 37: Kitty Cat - Meow!

The bling-bling kitty cat. She's purrrrrdy.

See what I did there? Clever!

Today the kitty cat and I went to see Body Worlds at Science World with Kaitlin and her friend Craig. It was AWESOME. I definitely think I underestimated the creepiness of the whole thing. Walking into a room filled with dead bodies that were mostly plastinated pre-1920s was much weirder than I originally anticipated. It was fascinating to see the human body in this way though. They show you the nervous system, the muscles, the bones, the blood vessels, and much more. The whole exhibit was very informative. Almost too informative since close to the end I felt like I could not possibly retain any more information. Ironically there was a banner that said that the average adult can successfully learn in 20 minutes increments. Kind of does away with my capability of learning in the 5 hours of Accounting I'll be doing on Tuesdays. I'm doomed! Anyways, I highly recommend this exhibit to everyone (with the exception of small children considering that it really is kind of scary). Also, I almost fainted only twice and both times it passed when I just closed my eyes. Success for the chronic fainter! Maybe I'm growing up after all?!

Tonight I had a family dinner, which was really great! And we watched a movie that was not a "family" movie at all, really, but it's over now.

I think I shall retire early in preparation for a later night tomorrow since it's New Years Eve.


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